New Kayne App Let's 'Ye Be With You Every Step Of Your Life

by HHL Editors

"Today, we are standing at an evolutionary precibus, where everybody should be asking the same question: 'where does Kanye West fit into this?'" app creator Sid Kandan explains, after speaking about the technological revolution of the past generation.

With that, he introduces the Ye.I., which he calls the next step in artificial intelligence.

OK, it's really just an update of Siri with a Lil 'Ye avatar and 250 Kanye quotes.

Check it out.

As you can see, the Ye.I. lets Kanye manage many aspects of your live. But if you bother him too much, he becomes frustrated and cuts you off like he did Taylor Swift.

Ye.I.'s creators made it G-rated, asking "if North West were to play with this app, would it be appropriate?”

So none of 'Ye's recent Billboard Awards performance would have made the cut.