Murder Suspect Claims He Was Possessed By Jay Z

by HHL Editors

Jason Russell Jump murdered his wheelchair-bound landlord with a sharp instrument in 2012. During his fitness hearing, which is going on this week, his psychologist testified that Jump blames the killing on Jay Z and other Illuminati figures. Dr. Duke Wagner told the judge that Jump thinks he should "put Jay Z in prison for the murder of [the landlord] and put other Illuminati who've been attacking [Jump] in prison, too."

According Wagner, Jump believes he's possessed by Hov. In addition to forcing him to kill people, Jay's demonic presence gives Jump stomach aches.

Wagner told the judge Jump is suffering from persecutory delusional disorder and may not be fit to stand trial. However, other doctors think the 39-year old -- who has Jesus Christ tattooed on his forehead and refers to himself as "son of man" -- is faking a mental impairment.

A judge will decide Jump's mental fitness next month. Jay-Z is not expected to be called to testify.