MSNBC Analyst Compares Gangsta Rap To Radical Islamic Terror

by HHL Editors

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the brutal attacks yesterday in Belgium that killed 34 and shook everybody up.

During a discussion of the incident on MSNBC, terrorism expert Christopher Dickey offered up a pretty hot take in which he compared the appeal of gangsta rap in American inner cities to the appeal of radical Islamic jihad in certain European neighborhoods.

"It's a little bit like gangsta rap in the neighborhoods in the United States. This is how you show the man," Dickey said. "That's the technique that's used. It's not nearly as much as religious as it is basically appealing to their testosterone, their desire to be heroes and the idea that they can project themselves on the world stage."
Twitter was not impressed with the comp.

@msnbc Reporter Christopher Dickey in Brussels...Did he just compare jihadists to gangsta rap music?!? Is he serious?!?

— jeruvia (@jeruvia) March 22, 2016
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Christopher Dickey of the Daily Beast just said the lure of ISIS in Belgium is the same as Gangster rap is in some places in America. Idiot. — Victor Sanchez (@Papa3x) March 22, 2016
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@MSNBC Christopher Dickey of the daily beast just compared Jihadist rhetoric to Gangster guys at the station coo with that?

— randysmoot (@Dolpho55) March 22, 2016
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Did Christopher Dickey just compare ISIS propaganda to rap music? Did I hear that right @MSNBC ?? It's been a long day so maybe I misheard — V. Walk (@madmadmaven) March 22, 2016
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Wait...did Christopher Dickey just compare gangsta rap to Jihad appeal?....#BrusselsAttacks #msnbc

— Roni (@TenderRonni) March 22, 2016
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