Milo Yiannopoulos Alleges Dentist Hooked Kanye On Drugs & Stole His Money


Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has worked for Kanye West for many years.

They parted ways earlier this year because Milo disagreed with Ye's decision to go into porn.

Now Milo has accused a celebrity dentist of drugging Ye and stealing his money

"There is a reason Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, is no longer capable of successfully releasing music or clothing. In fact, there are several reasons. But the most serious and the most recent is his dentist, Thomas Connelly. Connelly got Ye hooked on nitrous—laughing gas. It is my belief that Connelly sought to diminish Ye’s mental faculties so that Connelly and his business associates could extract millions of dollars from him. Earlier this year, I uncovered the fraud and intervened. Ye, hooked on nitrous, blew up our relationship on purpose by proposing something he knew I’d have to resign over (because I had told him so): the resurrection of his longtime idle fantasy of making porn. Thomas Connelly is a dangerous predator who targets African-American celebrities—into whose mouth he puts fake diamonds, as I suspect he did to @lilyachty . He must be stopped. I filed a complaint with the California Dental Board last week to that end," he typed on Twitter.

He also posted this:

Here’s an audio version that includes some of the exhibits (evidence). For more information, my DMs are open, or you can text (212) 971 9751, or email Please share this story, and please pray for Ye.

— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) August 7, 2024
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What's going on here and should we now be concerned about Lil Yachty?