Meet Joe Fox -- From Homeless Performer To A$AP Rocky's Main Feature

by HHL Editors

When the tracklist for A$AP Rocky's sophomore album At.Long.Last.A$AP came out, everybody was wondering "Who Is Joe Fox."

The unknown was featured five times on A.L.L.A, which dropped late last night.

Now we can confirm that Fox isn't a made up character or a pseudonym for somebody we've actually heard of. Instead, Fox is a singer with somewhat of a Bon Iver vibe, whom Rocky found on the streets of London. How Rocky discovered him is actually a pretty neat story, which Fox told to Vice.

"I had nowhere to live in London so I was selling mixtapes of my music anywhere I could so I'd have money to live somewhere. I was doing that for a while and I was making quite good money. So I'm on Wardour Street and I see this guy - I don't know who he is cos I don't listen to new music - and he's with this other guy who turns out to be Hector Delgado, who's produced a lot of songs on Rocky's album. I go up to them and say 'Do you want to buy a CD' and Rocky says, 'Can you play me a song'. So I play a whole song and I get to the end - that's usually when people buy a CD - so I say 'Do you want to buy a CD?' and he said 'No, but we're going to Starbucks, and then to the studio, you should come and work with us. Jump in the car'. So I got in the car and he says, 'My name's A$AP Rocky, you've got an amazing sound, lets record together'. So we did. I checked out his stuff later that week and I quite liked it, which I wasn't expecting, because I don't like much modern music. I really liked Long, Live A$AP."
In addition to having five features on A.L.L.A, Fox has also been crashing with Rocky, so he's no longer homeless.