Meek Mill's Request For Help For Sick Aunt Leaves Folks Confused


Meek Mill's has the strangest social media fingers in the rap game.

His latest head-scratcher involves his sick aunt.

Earlier this week, Meek took to Threads and posted this message.

"My aunt just called me crying saying she can't breathe from complications and is not even that old ... she need treatment in university of penn her name Tanika Nicholas help her please if you can!!! Til we get her help," Meek typed.

Minutes after he posted the dire note he was back to posting about rap and made no further mention of his aunt.

His followers expressed confusion as to why he took the time to post that message -- on Threads of all places -- when he could have been calling 911 or rushing to her home to give her CPR.

“You are a multi millionaire… if anyone can get that lady help, it’s you," one typed.

“If she can’t breath, how did she talk to you, do you have any first aid training," typed another.

Meek didn't respond to any of that and just continued to be the mystery that is Meek.