Meek Mill: White Man Tagged My Grandmother's House With Racist Graffiti


South Philly born Meek Mill says his grandmother's home was tagged with racist graffiti.

A white man sprayed a racial remarks on my Grandmom’s house last night in south philly referencing white Privileged.... the crazy part is this was a all black neighborhood 20 years ago It was gentrified and now this! Just don’t let us catch you coward! T…

— Meek Mill (@MeekMill) December 18, 2018

"A white man sprayed a racial remarks on my Grandmom’s house last night in south philly referencing white Privileged.... the crazy part is this was a all black neighborhood 20 years ago It was gentrified and now this! Just don’t let us catch you coward!" Meek typed.

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The perp was caught on tape.

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You can't really make out what was written. Police say they are aware of the incident, and Meek's people report that other houses in the neighborhood were also vandalized.