Many Are Saying That Chris Brown's 'Finger In My Booty' Story Is About Kanye West

by Daryl Nelson

Fresh off his beef with Quavo, Chris Brown stopped by the R&B Money Podcast and joined a segment called "I Ain’t Saying No Names," in which he was supposed to tell a crazy story about someone without revealing that person's identity.

His story got plenty of attention. Not only because it's comical but also because many are saying it's about Kanye West. 

Chris started by saying that he, a big-time artist, and some other guys went to a club to see another huge artist perform and things went left. [Jump to the 1:21:22-mark]

"We get in the club, I make sure we got the whole section full of women. The person there, [he’s] looking around. The song come on, the other artist is onstage, starts singing the song, the whole building erupt," says Breezy. "I look over to this person …not a smirk, not a head nod. Nothing."

"[Later], I look up, the n*gga is on the DJ booth right next to the artist that's doing the song," he continued. "When the song goes off, the n*gga takes the mic ... The n*gga goes on a 45-minute rant ... I'm talking about saying all of everything about nothing ... The last thing I hear, 'Such and such ain't stick their finger in my booty. I don't even play that way.'" "I said, 'Yeah, I'm out this motherf*cker.'"

Below, you'll find people saying the story is about Ye, and the other artist is Yo Gotti. Check it out.

The second Chris Brown made the expression at 1:44 I knew it was Kanye

— Off Brand Kevin Love (@sebbyD27) April 29, 2024
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R&B MONEY PODCAST | Chris Brown can’t say no names!

BUT is it me…. Or does this give Kanye energy???

“Such-n-Such ain’t stick no finger in my booty!”

Watch here:

— Tye the TYRANT (@immabottomSTILL) April 28, 2024
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Chris Brown plays RnB Money Podcast game “I ain’t saying no names” & recalls an Artist DJ booth rant.

We all remember Kanye’s 2016 rant including him saying “That B**** ain’t never stick her fingers in my a$$”

🎥 @Rnbmoneypod #ChrisBrown #Kanye #Tank #JValentine #RnB

— Chris (@RealDealChris) April 27, 2024
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Lmao thats absolutely exactly who he was talking about 🤣😂

— WorldwideLyj 🌐📲♠️ (@WorldwideLyj) April 29, 2024
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I knew it was Ye 😭

— Donda Times (@dondatimes) April 29, 2024
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