Luka Doncic's Will Be Playing At A Different Weight This Season


While Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic is in good shape for a human being, he is on the chubby side for a basketball player.

Given he isn't the most athletic guy in the NBA to start with, weight has always been a concern for the 23-year-old.

Maybe not as much anymore.

Luka has pulled a reverse-Zion this offseason and has lost some weight this offseason.

Check out his new look.

Mavs Donuts: 'Skinny' Luka Doncic; Kevin Durant Meets with Nets Owner on Trade via @fishsports

— Dalton Trigg (@dalton_trigg) August 3, 2022
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Is a lighter Luka definitely a better Luka, or do you think the extra LBs lowkey help him because he can push smaller guards around more?