The line between a mixtape and a traditional album gets blurrier every day.
Logic doesn't think this is a positive development.
The reason? Sample clearance.
Just want to take a moment and say, Fuck sample clearence. Fuck clearing samples. Fuck people taking all a producers money for not doing shit and fuck the companies that say no just cuz. This is hip hop. I’m tired of replaying shit. Fuck the money. This why mixtapes was so good.
— Bobby Bestseller (@Logic301) May 7, 2019
"Just want to take a moment and say, F*ck sample clearence. F*ck clearing samples. F*ck people taking all a producers money for not doing sh*t and f*ck the companies that say no just cuz. This is hip hop. I’m tired of replaying sh*t. F*ck the money. This why mixtapes was so good," Logic typed.
We're thinking Bobby, who's working on his Confessions of a Dangerous Mind album, is having trouble clearing samples.
His frustration aside, do you agree that the sample clearance process is a mess?