Logic's a new man these days. He's lost the wife, lost the hair, has been hitting the gym and is stuntin' a lot more than he used to.
But he is still up front with his mental health struggles. He spoke on that during a recent interview with Power 106's Cruz. When Cruz brought up the stigma mental illness has in Hip Hop, Logic argued real Hip Hop embraces that challenge.
"Real Hip Hop talks about it," Logic said about his therapy. "That's always so funny, there's this stigma like 'what is Hip Hop, what's not Hip Hop?' Hip Hop is diversity. Hip Hop is acceptance. Hip Hop is love. Hip Hop is peace, love, and positivity. Hip Hip is pioneers and people who push people to be themselves, like Kid Cudi. Hip Hop isn't blogs. Hip Hop is the true people, the artists like myself who do everything they can to tell people to spread their message and their positivity. That's what Hip Hop is."
Do you agree with Logic on what Hip Hop is and how he happens to define Hip Hop's realness?