Social Media

Lil Duval Has A Solid Theory On Why Nicki Minaj Has Disappeared


The usually socially media friendly Nicki Minaj hasn't posted anything on Instagram or Twitter since December.

Theories on her disappearance include that it was a New Year's resolution and that she's creating anticipation for her new album.

But comedian Lil Duval may have figured out the real reason behind Nicki's internet absence.

Nicki Minaj somewhere healing ainna? We ain’t seen her ass in months. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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"If a woman doesn't show her body on Instagram for longer than a month I assume she's healing," Duval wrote, and then indicated he was talking about Nicki.

Now Nicki did pop up yesterday on DJ Clue's IG page.

A Couple Kids From Queens Nyc @NickiMinaj @DjClue @DjClueCeo

A post shared by djclue (@djclue) on

However, we don't know when the photo was taken. And even if it is recent, it doesn't disprove Duval's theory that Nicki is healing from further enhancements (or de-enhancements.)

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