Lil Durk Looks Shook At the Club


Lil Durk has a habit of always looking shaken or surprised.

When asked about his stunned gaze, he pushed back on it indicating he was scared.

"I'm always looking scared?  That's where I've become a real firm believer in looks can be deceiving.  I've been looking like I've lost a nerve and all.  You know what happened in the house," he said a few years ago.

Earlier this year, Smurk checked himself into rehab for Codeine and Xanax., suggesting always getting photographed with his eyes popping out of his head was a result of him being really high.

But, alas, here is a presumably sober Durk looking like he saw a ghost at the club.

Lil Durk at the club

— Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) July 16, 2024
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