Kodak Black has been out of prison for five days. But he already has at least four six-figure offers for shows
However, the 21-year old isn't cashing in. Instead of going out on the road, he's focusing on the long game and working on new music
[Kodak] was asked to perform at a D.C.-area college for $100k, not to mention an offer from a venue in South Dakota for $105k and a weed festival in Oregon for a little more than $100k. He even turned down a Labor Day gig in Tallahassee for $125k! Do the math -- that adds up to well over $400k Kodak's leaving on the table. Sources say it's all because his priority is recording new music.
Black was released from prison last week after serving seven months of a one year sentence violating his probation by driving on a suspended license and associating with people committing crimes.
Expect new music soon.