Kid Cudi Discusses How Success Led Him To Drugs & Thoughts Of Suicide

by HHL Editors

Man on The Moon made Kid Cudi into a star.

He was 25, and he wasn't ready to handle the fame.

He explained how success almost did him in on Pharrell Williams’ Beats 1 radio show, OTHERtone.

"It was nerve-wracking, man. I’ll tell you the truth — it’s what drove me to drugs,” he said about Man on The Moon. “I was like ‘Man, I’m gon’ either kill myself or I’m gon’ do some drugs, and I wanna live ..." "I didn’t like that I had money and success and I had made it, and everybody that I had ever met in my life — good people — weren’t able to experience the same," he continued.  "And I wasn’t able to truly enjoy my success. Even though I worked hard for it -- it bothered me that I just had so much and my friends didn’t. And it was hard for me to enjoy it. And that’s the truth. It didn’t seem fair.The fame didn't seem fair."
Cudi went on to say that he became obsessed with rock stars Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix -- who all died at age 27 -- and became worried his drug abuse would also cut him down before his 28th birthday.

Check out the interview below.

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