Often when Kevin Durant gives an interview or hops on to social media he makes headlines. Like when he recently named the toughest players he's ever guarded or when he and Kendrick Perkins beefed online.
Durant is now getting attention for what he said about marijuana use in sports.
The Brooklyn Nets player was a guest on Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson's "All the Smoke" podcast and said weed shouldn't be a big deal in professional sports these days.
"I just think it should be taken off the banned substance list," said Durant. "It shouldn't even be a discussion nowadays. It's just like, marijuana is marijuana. It's not harmful to anybody. It can only help and enhance and do good things. I feel like it shouldn't even be a huge topic around it anymore ... It's a plant that's put here for a reason and it's to all bring us together. Hopefully it happens, especially in the NBA."
Do you think the use of marijuana in professional sports will always be taboo or will things change?