Kenny Beats & Hit-Boy Call Out Record Labels On "Blackout Tuesday"

by Benny Franklin

The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers has the United States in a frenzy, but that's not the only thing getting people worked up.

Today, the music industry-recognized "Blackout Tuesday," in which record labels, streaming companies, artists, and more would not post any content, but only a black square to their social profiles. 

While a lot of people were on board with this plan, quite a few music industry producers and artists were against it, including Lil Nas X

According to music producer Kenny Beats and Hit-Boy, record labels should be doing more to give back to the black community, and suggested that they have been enslaving black artists for years. 

These labels posting black squares today

- sign black artists to 5
+ album deals

- put language in the contract that music must be “commercial satisfactory”

- then deem everything a “mixtape” and count no albums towards the deal

- own the masters + all their art


— kennybeats (@kennybeats) June 2, 2020
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Wish these labels were as creative with ways to help black artists as they are with the 200 page 360 deal contacts they enslave their art and careers with

— kennybeats (@kennybeats) June 2, 2020
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