Kelis Doesn't Even Like Milkshakes, It Turns Out


OK. This would be a much bigger deal about a decade ago. But, still, we learned something shocking today. Kelis, who once used her "milkshake" to tempt us all to the yard, doesn't even like the ice cream-based beverage.

"Funnily enough, I don’t actually drink milkshakes," Kelis admitted to the Daily Mirror. As if making us question everything we once thought was true was "funny."

And it's not just like she's pushing back against having her career defined by an edible. The 35-year old actually titled her latest album "Food." She just genuinely dislikes the very thing that made her famous.

Although Kelis hasn't had much of a profile in the US recently, she's still a pretty big deal in the UK, where the former Mrs. Nasir Jones has had a string of number one hits.

Speaking of food, last year Kelis also came out with a signature line of sauces, named 'feast.'  She also plans to eventually open a restaurant. One that, presumably, won't serve milkshakes. But we'll always have this: