Kanye's Metal Teeth And Terrible Breath May Be Too Much For His Wife Bianca Censori


Kanye West has subjected his wife, Bianca Censori, to all sorts of ritual humiliations involving her body, but she doesn't complain.

What Ye has done with his mouth is another matter.

Insiders say Bianca isn't happy with the new 850K metal grill Ye has installed in his mouth.

"She tells him what he wants to hear, that his grill looks cool and sexy and makes him look really manly, but the truth is she's disgusted by the way his teeth look," a source told InTouch. "She's told her friends what a turn-off it is. Putting her lips — let alone her tongue — anywhere near his metal stubs makes her want to gag."

It's not just the look and the feel.  There is also a smell issue.

"He's never been known for very good hygiene," the insider explains. "He's not exactly forensic about cleaning his grill, so his breath smells pretty rank a lot of the time."

Last month, Ye's former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, alleged that Ye's dentist hooked him on laughing gas and took all of his money.

Will Kanye's teeth lead him to financial and personal ruin?