Kanye West's FEC Financial Disclosures Suggest He Isn't Close to A Billionaire


Earlier this year, Forbes declared Kanye West was worth $1.3 billion.

So Kanye threw a big, public fit and claimed he was really worth $3 billion.

It turns out the truth is much, much less impressive when Ye isn't stunting or a website isn't looking for clicks.

Kanye is still sort of running for President.  As such, he needs to file financial statements with the Federal Election Commission.

In the disclosures, Kanye declared that he owns three companies worth $50 million each and values his partnerships with Adidas and Gap between $30 and $70 million each.  He also has $100 million in debt, largely mortgages. 

Additionally, he's spent $6.7 million on his presidential campaign.

Despite that, he's only on the ballot in 12 states.