Kanye West has joined the nationwide call for justice in a major way.
He just donated $2 million to the legal teams of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. The producer also set up a 529 college savings fund for Floyd's daughter Gianna.
But Ye isn't just cutting checks. He joined a #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd protest in the Southside of his hometown Chicago on Thursday. There's a bunch of videos floating around that show his participation.
Kanye was at the South Side Chicago protest briefly, in a black hoodie and face mask, and never formally spoke to the crowd. Organizers never mentioned him by name but earlier referenced a “special guest”
— Grace Hauck (@grace_hauck) June 5, 2020
who had called yesterday asking to join a protest. pic.twitter.com/aeGNZ8w6q6
Kanye at a protest on the South Side of Chicago tonight. #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/8qZVOumvPa
— TeamKanyeDaily (@TeamKanyeDaily) June 5, 2020
Organizers say Kayne left the Chicago protest but I cannot confirm. If so, he was here at the march for less than 30 mins. pic.twitter.com/usXprursY5
— Grace Hauck (@grace_hauck) June 5, 2020
Floyd died last week after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. Arbery was shot and killed by two white men, a father and son, as he jogged in Glynn County, Georgia. Taylor was killed in March after three plainclothes officers stormed into her appartment on a no-knock warrant looking for drugs. No drugs were ever found.
What do you think about Ye's involvement in the protest and the money he's given?