Candace Owens is sometimes called the black Tomi Lahren.
She's referred to Black Lives Matters protesters as "whiny toddlers" and supports President Trump.
So Kanye West courted controversy when he Tweeted this.
I love the way Candace Owens thinks
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 21, 2018
Owen was thrilled with the co-sign.
I’m freaking out. @kanyewest ....please take a meeting with me. I tell every single person that everything that I have been inspired to do, was written in your music.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 21, 2018
I am my own biggest fan, because you made it okay. I need you to help wake up the black community.
Black Twitter, not so much.
How many times can Kanye signal his affinity for people with anti-Black policies and positions before it takes a toll on how Black fans feel about him?
— Touré (@Toure) April 21, 2018
One day people will stop calling Kanye West a genius & see him for what he truly is...someone who makes ugly clothes, a pseudo-intellectual who thinks being provocative is ‘in’ & not very well read. Don’t @ me.
— Yesha (@YeshaCallahan) April 21, 2018
I'm not surprised Kanye "loves the way Candace Owens thinks," especially after he ran to Trump Tower to genuflect before his king.
— Britni Danielle (@BritniDWrites) April 21, 2018
Candace Owens: "Black men getting shot by police isn’t about racism"
— Kanisha J (@KaniJJackson) April 21, 2018
Also Candace Owens: "I truly believe that @realDonaldTrump is the savior of free world"
Kanye West: "I love the way Candace Owens thinks"
Uh oh, Kanye.
Candace Owens has proven to be anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ and fact-hating.
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) April 21, 2018
(Honestly, there are so many more descriptors.)
For Kanye to align himself with her is messy and dangerous.
Kanye: Now if I fuck this model, and she just bleached her asshole, and I get bleach on my T-shirt, imma feel like an asshole
— dame 🤣😭🤦♂️ (@dametekz) April 21, 2018
Conservatives: Disgusting, repulsive, how dare he
Kanye: Candace Owens
Conservatives: Kanye, the second coming of Jesus, I've always loved Kanye
Kanye West tweets 7 words and leftists rush to smear me as far-right & anti-LGBT. So what terrified them?
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 21, 2018
The truth did. The left is losing control of their blacks. Ready to be awakened? Watch the truth about my journey off the plantation w/ @RubinReport.
Here's a taste of Owen:
What do you think about 'Ye liking Owen's thinking?