
Joyner Lucas Takes Down His Tory Lanez Diss 'Zeze Freestyle'


Joyner Lucas and Tory Lanez had themselves quite the entertaining lyrical war last week, with each rapper firing two diss tracks at the other.

The last in the rapid-fire series was Lucas's Lanez diss 'Zeze Freestyle.' 

After that, Lanez publically declared that he had won, with many folks (including Joe Budden) disagreeing.

Now Lucas has removed the 'Zeze Freestyle' from his YouTube page, while his Lanez diss "Litty Freestyle" remains.

Do you think Lucas agreed with Lanez that his last diss wasn't up to par, or did it disappear because Kodak Black's lawyers gave him a call?

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#JoynerLucas deletes his ‘Zeze’ diss to #ToryLanez from IG & YouTube! Does that mean he lost the battle?

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