
Watch Jim Jones's Entourage Get Attacked In Massachusetts


Jim Jones and his crew got into an altercation after Jones did a show in Springfield, Massachusetts Saturday night.

Or perhaps he didn't, as it's been reported that Jones's refusal to perform was the catalyst for Club Zone's security to attack.

#JimJones and his crew allegedly get into altercation in Massachusetts

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The show's promoter Kenneth Rogers bragged about giving Jones "a very expensive ass whooping" because he "act like this city ain't shit" and "put hands on customers."

Here's Jones's very Gucci response to all of that.

Bruhhh y'all had th chance of a life time yal could of been litt lol instead I'm litt and I'm Gucci and I'm goin to church tonight for communion @headlinerworld wht we drinkin tonight #MiamiNights

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No word from 50 Cent, who's been a step slow since he left IG.

Posted In: Video Jim Jones