Jay Z is being sued by a 21-year old man who says he is Hov's son.
Back in 2010 Rymir Satterthwaite's mom, who claims she had an affair with Jay Z in the 90s, tried to have Jay submit to a paternity test.
Hov's lawyers were able to get him out of the test because the case was filed in New Jersey, which didn't have jurisdiction over the New York-residing Jay Z.
In December, Swatterthwait's legal guardian refiled the suit. They allege Jay's lawyers provided fraudulent residency information, and didn't disclose Hov had three homes in New Jersey at the time.
Should Jay (and Bey and Blue Ivy) be fearful of a paternity test?
“Their facial structures appear very similar,” plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Young told the NATIONAL ENQUIRER. “It could be a sign of inheritance!”
Check out more photos of Satterthwaite, who's an aspiring rapper of course, and let us know what you think.

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