Ice Cube Tells Kendrick Lamar To Be Prepared For Another Drake Diss

by Daryl Nelson

Ice Cube has given his take on the Drake, Kendrick Lamar battle while on Shaquille O’Neal's The Big Podcast, and he told Dot to be prepared for another diss record.

Ice Cube spoke to Shaq about the Drake & Kendrick Lamar beef saying Kendrick won so far but Drake can still fight back

"I always approve of rap battles that's the essence of the game... I think Kendrick is up, he's landed the more hard & effective punches... dont mean Drake…

— SOUND (@itsavibe) June 14, 2024
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"I always approve of rap battles," said Cube. "That’s the essence of the game. It goes back to Busy Bee and Kool Moe Dee and even further than that. It’s part of the game, as long as it doesn’t get physical, because that’s not rap ... I think Kendrick is up. He’s landed the more hard and effective punches, but that don’t mean Drake can’t get off the canvas. If I was Kendrick, I’d stay locked and loaded just to be ready for whatever."

Based on Cube's words, it doesn't seem that he's automatically riding for Kendrick just because they're both from L.A.

But it looks like his son O'Shea Jackson Jr. has sided with Dot since he dissed an old GQ photo of Drake last month.

As for Cube's opinion, do you think Drake has another diss song in store for Kendrick?