Gucci Mane And The Breakfast Club Are Going To War


Yesterday, Gucci Mane revisited a 2016 Breakfast Club interview in which he claimed co-host Anglea Yee wanted the D back in the day and she quickly denied ever desiring such a thing.  

Gucci has some receipts: a flirty interview she did with him a few years before that.

So he played clips of both interviews back-to-back on Instagram, with a caption suggesting he'd been unfairly banned from The Breakfast Club.

Yee responded by suggesting Gucci was back on drugs, while Charlamagne suggested Gucci's not even banned.

Then the posted a poll on who their listeners believed, Mane or Yee.

Gucci clapped back at that on Twitter:

Remember what happened the last time Gucci started going off on Twitter?

Maybe the real Gucci is about to break out of that skinny perfumed shell of a clone.