The Game Has To Pay 200K To The Nanny He Slandered

by HHL Editors

Game is an emotional fellow, prone to losing his temper.

Sometimes that manifests itself with his fists, others with his words.

Two years ago, Game went off on his children's former nanny in a lengthy Instagram rant. He exposed Karen Monroe's details, and told the world not to hire her because she had been caught "lying, stealing and screaming at my kids."

He also accused her of leaving a used condom wrapper in his daughter's room, inappropriately touching kids in her previous jobs, drinking and smoking, and also abusing Nas's kid, whom she was currently babysitting.

Monroe responded by suing Game for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional stress, with her lawyer claiming millions saw the rapper's post, and that it ended up costing her the job with Nas.

The Game was supposed to defend himself in court earlier this month. But he didn't bother to show up, so the judge issued $200,627 default judgment against him.

Between this and the $12 million the cop Game punched is suing him for, The Documentary 2 better sell.