Funny Marco Explains Why He Ditched Bobbi Althoff


Bobbi Althoff has been accused of stealing Funny Marco's awkward interview style.

If true, it hasn't bothered Marco.  The two are friends and were planning on going on tour together.


Marco has nixed the tour.

Here, he explains why.

Funny Marco explains why he canceled his tour with Bobbi Althoff saying that their comedy styles didn’t match and there wasn’t chemistry onstage as a result of that

— Akademiks TV (@AkademiksTV) July 24, 2024
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"The Bobbi tour," he started.  "I Love Bobbi to death.  Bobbi is a good person," Marco qualified.

But he explained that he wants to give people their money's worth when they come to see him, and he didn't believe Bobbi was up to the task.

"I feel like Bobbi was stiff a little a bit.  And I'm like let's really work on it.  I paid script writers and was like, let's put on a show.  And she told me 'that's not me.  My Comedy is like me not talking a lot.'  And I'm like, sh*t this is different.  You can do that on the podcast but in real life this is different."