FU Wayne: Birdman's New Artist Buys Audi With Stacks Of Cash

by HHL Editors

BTY Young'N is Birdman's latest signee.

He celebrated by buying a new Audi with cash on the spot.

Birdman new signee just walked into the Audi dealership n bought a new car cash... the birdman stimulus package kicking in fr fr pic.twitter.com/OC50PVQ1Ke

— DJ Akademiks (@IamAkademiks) December 30, 2016
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"Keep the change", BTY tells the happiest Audi dealer in the land after dumping out some stacks.

You may recognize Young'N from this video of Birdman showing him his gold toilet.

Gold toilets, new Audis ... but no cash for Lil Wayne or Carter V.