Floyd Mayweather Disses Current Rap Generation For Constant Drug Talk

by Daryl Nelson

Floyd Mayweather isn't really feeling the current rap scene and says today's rappers talk way too much about drugs.

"Rap has taken a heavy turn," he said in an interview with DJ Whoo Kid. "In one particular time in rap, it was all about the lyrics, the beats ... Now it's okay to be a junkie. This is crazy that it's okay to O.D. on drugs. It's okay to take any drugs now. It's okay to be a junkie, and the legendary rappers like to stick to what they talk [about]. When you go back and really listen to the legendary rappers, this is timeless music. Guys like Biggie, guys like Pac, timeless music."
Of course, many will simply brush off Mayweather as an old head who's out of touch and bitter, which is the common thing to do whenever anybody over the age of 21 has an opinion about rap. But does he have a point? Are today's rapper's talking too much about taking drugs and being high?

You can listen to the interview below.