Yesterday, the Feds arrested five O-Block gang members for the broad daylight killing of FBG Duck as he shopped for a birthday gift for his son in his hometown of Chicago.
According to the FBI, Duck was killed after two cars carrying four shooters opened fire.
“The reason that this is charged federally is that we were able to establish evidence that there was a racketeering enterprise here that was involved, and this murder was done in furtherance of that," said U.S. Attorney John Lausch.
The five suspects, including Lil Durk and King Von associates C-Thang, Muwop, DQ, are being charged with committing murder in aid of racketeering and firearm violations and assaults in the aid of racketeering.
The arrest was the result of a collaboration between federal, state, county, and local law enforcement and used the suspects' social media activity to collect evidence.
If convicted, the suspects could face a minimum sentence of life in federal prison.