ESPN Remembers Stuart Scott With Tribute Video

by HHL Editors

Really sad news out of the sports world this morning. ESPN has announced that longtime SportsCenter anchor Stuart Scott has died from cancer at age 49.

Following the announcement, ESPN aired a 15 minute tribute to Scott, which you can view here.

Scott, who often incorporated Hip Hop into his on-air delivery, was first diagnosed with cancer in 2007. He beat it, but it returned in 2013.

"ESPN and everyone in the sports world have lost a true friend and a uniquely inspirational figure in Stuart Scott," said ESPN president John Skipper. "Who engages in mixed martial arts training in the midst of chemotherapy treatments? Who leaves a hospital procedure to return to the set? His energetic and unwavering devotion to his family and to his work while fighting the battle of his life left us in awe, and he leaves a void that can never be replaced."
Scott leaves behind teenage daughters Taelor and Sydni, and a pretty big legacy in sports broadcasting. RIP.