Erykah Badu Apologizes To Iggy Azalea (Who Happily Accepts)

by HHL Editors

Erykah Badu made Iggy Azalea the joke at last week's Soul Train Awards.

And she was still using humor when she apologized to the Australian import yesterday.

In the video below, Erykah tells Iggy she's sorry for playing her for laughs. She also mentions Azalea is her two young daughters' favorite artist, and jokes that if they love Iggy so much they should just go and be her daughters.

Iggy accepted the apology with enthusiasm, and said Badu's daughters and their friends would be welcome at any of her shows. (That is if she ever tours again.)


— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) December 8, 2015
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