Elliott Wilson Says Drake's Power & 'Crazy' Fans Keeps Him Away From Canada

by Daryl Nelson

Elliott Wilson is officially on Drake's enemy list and is banned from Canada for criticizing him. 

For example, last year, he accused Drake of not doing enough interviews with urban publications. Drizzy also called him a rat during his battle with Kendrick Lamar.

"I got the calls from OGs," said Wilson a couple of months ago. "I'm not really welcome in Toronto right now ... I would not go to Toronto if me and Drake aren't good."

Wilson recently spoke to BagFuel about staying away from Drake's home country and gave more details as to why he's made that decision. 

Elliot wilson reveals he will not be going to Toronto amid his feud with Drake after Rick Ross was recently jumped pic.twitter.com/PT6bj2tC0I

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"This is his country. It should be respected," Wilson insisted.

He then talked about how much power Drake has in Canada, which was first displayed many years ago.

"I remember the first OVO fest, when he brought [JAY-Z] and Eminem out. It's like you gotta go to his country with your passport and sh*t," Wilson explained. "So yes, if I'm not cool with him, I don't feel comfortable going to Toronto ... It could be fans nowadays [who try to harm me]. They thirsty and crazy. This Trumpian type era of n*ggas. I don't want that cornball sh*t."