Druski and Rubi Rose's Relationship Is Over And Druski Learned a Valuable lesson


Druski and Rubi Rose's relationship came off as a joke at first.

But it was a real thing.  Until it wasn't.

Now that they've broken up, Druski is reflecting on what he learned about dating someone famous on the Internet for being hot.

Druski reveals he stopped dating Rubi Rose because she cost too much pic.twitter.com/RxDOowFQSg

— sea✰ (@destroynectar) July 31, 2024
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"God blesses you with situations.  It's a learning situation ... I learned when you got a bad bitch it comes with a lot, and I don't know if I was prepared yet.  Coming out of that ...  you better have them pockets ready ... you don't know when you got be pulling that wallet out," Druski said.