Drake Wins Big Gambling; Donates Money To LeBron James's Cause


Drake and LeBron James were recently spotted making goofy eyes at each other.

Get you a girl that looks at you like Drake looks at LeBron pic.twitter.com/FG3Ij2gsBV

— NBA Memes (@NBAMemes) March 19, 2022
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Now Drizzy is making a big donation to Bron's pet causes after winning big playing video roulette.

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"I had an incredible night playing roulette on Stake," Drake said. “Anytime I get blessed like that, I always think it’s good karma that needs to be transferred."

The transfer will be a million in bitcoin to the  LeBron James Family Foundation, which helps kids in Lebron's hometown of Arkon, and Bron's I Promise school.

It's also so good promo for Stake.

Drake, who seems bored, has allegedly been gambling billionsSo it might be a good idea to have some friends at the casino.