Drake Explains His New Strip Club 'The Ballet'

by HHL Editors

Drake's sensitive millennial guy act sets him apart in Hip Hop. But he still likes tits and ass in his face.

Both those sides of Drizzy will be on display at The Ballet, an upscale strip club he just announced he's opening in his adopted city of Houston.

Listen to Drake explain what the club is going to be about, and check out video from its pop up preview.

"[The Ballet] is about the fact that there’s a culture out here of dancing and it’s not about no strip club shit," Drake announced during a pop up preview for the club. “It’s really just about these amazing women that we got in one spot this evening. This Houston culture that we got. I just want to bring it to you in the most honest, genuine way as possible."

Expect the club to open in early 2017. And expect fancy cheese.