Drake Attributes His Success To His Sleep Schedule


Drake may be losing his beef to Kendrick Lamar.

But he's miles ahead of K.Dot or any other rapper when it comes to being popular with John Q. Public.

Some would say that makes him number one.

Drake would probably say that and attributes his perch above the rest of the game to his sleep schedule.

DJ Akademiks reveals Drake's sleep schedule and says Drake called him while he was making the album "For All the Dogs" and asked him to apologize to SZA because she was visibly upset and bothered by things he said about her in a rant.

(🎥 @fullsendpodcast) pic.twitter.com/ItCEp9eaac

— The Art Of Dialogue (@ArtOfDialogue_) May 16, 2024
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"Drake is like, 'Yo, I stay up all night and go to sleep at like 9 a.m. every day. Then I wake up like early afternoon, and I go do regular sh*t.' he told his bestie DJ Akademiks.  "I'm like, 'That's what it takes to be number one. That's some crazy sh*t.'"