Now We Know Exactly What Drake Paid For His 767 Private Jet


Earlier this month, Drake was out there stunting a brand-new used 767 which he claimed to be the only owner of.

A used plane like that usually retails upwards of $100 million, which would be most of Drake's net worth. 

Then we learned that he got the plane through a promotional deal with Canadian overnight freight company Cargojet, meaning he paid a lot less than $100 million for it.

Now we know exactly how much less, and it was a lot.

TMZ is reporting Drake got the 767 for free. 

Cargojet just wants publicity and all he has to do flex the plane -- which has Cargojet logos on it -- on social media like any rapper who owns a private jet would.

Nice work if you can get it. We wonder if he even has to pay for the fuel.