DL Hughley Tells White People To Stop Blaming Hip Hop For Saying The N-Word

by Daryl Nelson

DL Hughley sat down with VladTV and said white people should stop blaming Hip Hop for saying the n-word.  

"They invented a word just for us," he said. "It's funny how they try to scribe it to Hip Hop or to the language we use. Nigga has been in the American lexicon since the early 1700s. Hip Hop been around since 1975. What came first nigga or the Sugarhill gang? But it's funny how they blame you for the shit they've said anyway ... You're not repeating what I said, you're repeating what your grandfathers, your neighbors, your uncle said.  Don't put that on me. You said nigga cause you said it all the time. "

Earlier this year, Kendrick Lamar was involved in an N-word related controversy when he invited a white fan on-stage to rap along with an n-bomb filled track -- and then ended her performance and sent her off of the stage when she repeated the n-bombs.

What do you think about Hughley's remarks? You can listen to what he had to say about the n-word below at the 2:34 mark.
