DJ Akademiks says his ex-girlfriend took him to the cleaners and is now trying to ruin his reputation.
The ex has been telling everyone Ak isn't as rich as he says he is.
Ak claims it's because she just saw his bank account -- not his stocks and bonds. He also claims she stole 500K from him.
"There's a time I used to have a million dollars in my crib, that's a fact. You know this b*tch stole half a million dollars from me. Cash. I had them in safes and all types of sh*t. I'm not checking the money all the time," Ak said, explaining he didn't even notice she had stolen all the cash until they broke up and he got a new money counter.
According to Ak, he could have had her arrested for crimes that would get her 40 years. But he is forgiving and takes mercy.