Die Antwoord Get Revenge On Eminem For Butchering their Name


Eminem name drops Die Antwoord in his new track "Untouchable."

"I'd rather hear 'em say 'Die N-word' than Die Antwoord / Ninja, now it's better disguised banter."

But to make the rhyme work,  Shady mispronounces the South African rap-rave group's name. (Which means "The Answer" in Afrikaans.)

Yolanda and Ninja of Die Antwoord weren't feeling that one bit.

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"Okay, so like, how would you feel if I called you Eeminem? Okay, your name's Eminem but I call you Eeminem, just because it rhymes with something you know," Yolanda explained.

Then Ninja had a little rhyme for "Eeminem"

"Eeminem went to jail and got a bit of semen in his bum and was never seen again."

Yolanda then repeated the rhyme. "Do you see how that feels?" she added.

Should Die Antwoord be messing with the White Boy like that?

[Related: Yolanda of Die Antwoord calls Drake "massive faggot".]