Detroit OG Trick Trick Declares "No Fly Zone" Around His City For Outside Agitators


Detroit has a terrible history with rioting and looting.

Motor City OG Trick Trick wants to make sure that doesn't happen again.

"I’ll See y’all Saturday. These Boots on the Ground. Be safe. #NoFlyZone on all outside disruptive muthafuccas. Stay in your neighborhood and protest. We GOT OUR CITY!! Anything caught destroying property in the city of Detroit will be dealt with accordingly!! The few we’ve caught already know these to be facts!!!! TRY ME!!!"

In the past, Trick Trick has effectively imposed "No Fly Zones" that ban rappers who haven't collaborated with artists from Detroit, or paid a tithe, from performing in his hometown.

Now he's changing it up for the greater good.