Denzel Curry once said that he’s a better rapper than Kendrick Lamar. But these days the Florida native said that he's lost his love for rhyming and doesn’t feel appreciated.
Curry relayed all of this in a series of tweets on Monday, Nov. 23, and said that he’s tired of being asked about XXXTentacion since they were friends.
Everyone else fail to recognize my genius and influence
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
But you guys get me
People can’t say how they really when it comes down to work and quite frankly I feel unappreciated a lot and I’m sick of it
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
Interviews only talk to me to ask about Jahs life ... bro if they really wanted to know him they should’ve asked him when he was here to actually speak for himself
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
How many years I have to do to get the respect I deserve
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
I hate rapping
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
I watched my hobby that I did in my room become something I can’t even enjoy anymore because everyone has a opinion
I live in a era where you make a few good songs you die then become a legend
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
In that case
Fuck being legendary
This music industry is bullshit I gotta play a stupid game for me to succeed it’s not about the music anymore if it was you’ll hear a balance of conscious rap along with everything else being played today
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
I’m just going disappear from y’all ass and do what the fuck I wanna do and say what I wanna say
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
That spark is dimming
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
All I want is y’all to love me openly and I can give you me unapologetically
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
The more famous you get you’ll end up being imprisoned or free by your own fame
— Denzel Curry (@denzelcurry) November 24, 2020
We guess Denzel always has his porn career to fall back on.