
Dennis Rodman Claims To Have Broken His Penis Three Times

By HHL Editors

As great as he was on the court, Dennis Rodman may be better known for his off the court antics.

They include, according to the Worm, breaking his dick three times.

He details each of the fractures in a video for Viceland.

The first time he shattered his magic stick was during a boat party in Dallas when his lady friend asked him to "run and jump in her pussy."

That's apparently a bad idea, because his dong snapped upon landing and there was blood everywhere.

The second time he broke his peen was when a groupie named Stacy backed that ass up too hard as he was hitting it from behind. Again, a bloody, bloody mess.

The third time was in New York, and when went to the hospital he learned the official term for his affliction is a "contused penis."

Despite all of these penil problems, the 55 year old insists the dong still works.

Posted In: Sports