Dame Dash Asked Adam22 Of No Jumper If He's a Culture Vulture


Last month, Adam22 of the No Jumper podcast revealed that he had to pay Dame Dash $500 to interview him.

Typically, such interview subjects do No Jumper for promo and expenses, and Dame asking for the relatively paltry sum of 500 bucks made him seem hard up.

In addition to the cash, Dame got Adam to do his own Internet show.

During that interview, Dame Dash brought up his favorite subject of Culture vultures, asking Adam what would he say to those who think he is one.

"I think there's a fine line between making content about shit that you're into and then just like shamelessly exploiting black culture, which obviously a lot of white people have done." Adam said. "I don't get mad when I see people say that about me because the truth is I've probably stepped over the line and done some stupid a$$ $hit and been too comfortable talking about black sh*t on camera. I'm just tyring to figure out how to talk about sh*t, so I'm open to the criticism."

Jump to 24 minutes to hear the discussion.