Coolio To Run For Vice President On Porn Star's Ticket


If you want to see Cherie DeVille do anal all you have to do is Google that collection of words.

How that effects her run for the Presidency remains to be seen.  But we do know the 39-year old will be a candidate and she's taking rap vet Coolio along for the ride as her VP.

“If we are pulling away from electing only politicians for our higher offices, I think as a small celebrity in my own right I would be a good choice for the American people and for the world at large,” DeVille said as she explained her candidacy for 2020.

Coolio also spoke on his Vice Presidential ambitions.

“Somebody got to do something man, somebody got to try. We need normal people, we need normal regular everyday people in office,” Coolio, a regular everyday person who's sold millions of records, declared. "I believe there truly is a Deep State. And I think there is a Deep Deep State and nothing is what it seems," he continued.

Then again, we all laughed at Trump.