Congressman's Son Dabbed At Paul Ryan; Got Grounded [VIDEO]

by HHL Editors

Yesterday was a big day for Roger Marshall.

The new congressman from Kansas's First District was sworn into the House of Representatives by Speaker Paul Ryan.

And he was totally upstaged by his teenage son Cal, who did this:

After being confused by the popular dance move, Paul Ryan shut down a congressman’s son's "dab" attempt

— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 4, 2017
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"You wanna put your hand down? Are you going to sneeze?" Ryan wondered, before pushing the boy's arm down himself.
After the incident, Ryan remained flummoxed by the dance move.

Just finished swearing-in photos. Nearly 300 members. Countless cute kids. Still don't get what dabbing is, though.

— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) January 3, 2017
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Congressman Marshall claimed he had punished Cal for his display

Just so you know @SpeakerRyan: He's grounded.

— Dr. Roger Marshall (@RogerMarshallMD) January 3, 2017
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We really hate to encourage the dab in 2017, but you gotta respect Cal's sense of the moment.