Chet Haze Explains The Drake Kendrick Beef To His Dad Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks is connected to the rap game through his son Chet, a rapper who has acted on shows like Empire and Atlanta.

So when the Hollywood legend started hearing about the Kendrick Lamar Drake beef, he knew who to ask to explain it.

actor Tom Hanks asked his son Chet Hanks to explain to him the Drake & Kendrick Lamar beef to him 😂

"Holy cow! These are fighting words.
People taking sides?? Who's winning??"

— SOUND (@itsavibe) May 20, 2024
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As you can see, Chet broke it down in great detail.

However, we don't think Tom actually read it because here's how he responded.

"Holy cow! These are fighting words. People taking sides?? Who's winning??" Tom wondered.

"Did you not read what I just said," Chet, who made it clear K.Dot had won, wrote back.

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